Unlocking scholarships for higher studies abroad: Beyond the CGPA barrier

Pursuing higher education overseas is the most common ambition among undergraduate students worldwide.

One of the biggest impediments to this dream might be a lower cumulative grade point average (CGPA). However, academic achievements aren’t the only path to securing scholarships. There is a myriad of strategies one can employ to navigate around the obstacle of a lower CGPA.

This article aims to be a guiding light, offering insightful tactics to not only mitigate the impact of a lower CGPA but to pave the way towards successfully securing scholarships for your academic endeavours abroad.

All information has been curated from accounts of experiences of students who shared details of their journey in various Facebook groups such as Foreign Scholarship Info for Bangladeshi Students, Chittagong University Research and Higher Study Society.

Emphasise proficiencies via robust personal statement

The personal statement or statement of purpose is a means of showcasing one’s abilities, goals and unique qualities, as a low CGPA might not fully reflect a person’s potential. An effective personal statement should outline one’s academic direction, extracurricular interests, professional apprenticeships and any challenges they have overcome. By highlighting the profound influence these events have had on an individual’s growth and explaining how these experiences will have a positive impact in the chosen field of expertise you can enhance the personal statement further.

Exceptional letters of recommendation

Letters of recommendation are extremely essential while applying for scholarships. It is advisable to foster good connections with professors, mentors, or supervisors, since they possess the capacity to vouch for your competencies and dedication toward learning. An authentic recommendation that highlights an individual’s determination as well as collaborative attitude and enthusiasm can greatly mitigate the effects of a low CGPA.

Demonstrate pertinent extracurricular involvements

Participations in extracurricular activities, volunteer works or affiliations with different organisations can be utilised as a way to demonstrate leadership skills, effective teamwork abilities and dedication to goals outside the purview of education. Students with a variety of skills and abilities are highly valued by scholarship committees since they are considered valuable members of the academic community. In order to demonstrate the commitment to both societal advancement and personal growth, one can provide a thorough overview of the roles, responsibilities and accomplishments you have achieved in both endeavours.

Illustrate research or project endeavours

Engaging research projects, self-directed learning endeavours and innovative projects can be concrete examples of one’s applied skills and unwavering perseverance. An effectively implemented project that generates tangible outcomes has the potential to eclipse a lower CGPA and serve as a demonstration of an individual’s capacity to apply academic knowledge to real-world issues.

Achieve good scores in standardised assessments

Acquiring outstanding scores on standardised tests such as GMAT, TOEFL or GRE can enhance the quality of an individual’s scholarship application. A competitive test score highlights one’s capacity to go above and beyond the standards set by the grade point average and is an excellent indicator of a student’s capability for advanced academic pursuits.

Developing an effective curriculum vitae

The curriculum vitae serves as an essential instrument for effectively showcasing one’s accomplishments in a concise manner. It is advisable to customise the curriculum vitae to emphasise pertinent experiences, skills and achievements that make a student stand out as a strong contender for the particular scholarship you are applying for.

By following all the aforementioned points, you should be able to overcome the barrier of a lower CGPA and advance toward the dream of going abroad for higher studies. Scholarships prioritise qualities other than academic accomplishment and consider candidates from a broad perspective. It is crucial to remember that traits such as persistence, motivation and a convincing application can make a big difference in an individual’s ability to stand out from the crowd and turn the ambitions into real accomplishments.

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