BUP startup Ecolery wins Generation Hope Goals at APFSD

Ecolery Bangladesh, a startup from Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), has become the champion in the Generation Hope Goals competition at the 12th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development in Bangkok. Ecolery focuses on creating edible, biodegradable cutlery to replace plastic and reduce waste. The team members are Nafesa Anzum Helaly, Rakib Hassan, Yeamin Islam Tabin, Zaheen Tasfia Zuhair, and Shabiha Sultana. In addition to this achievement, they also won €4,200 from Orange Corner Bangladesh and triumphed in the ‘Orange Corners Bangladesh presents Hackathon 1.0’ in previous years.
The competition was organised by several major organisations including Save the Children, UNESCAP, UNDP, YECAP, UNFCCC RCC AP, Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, and ChildFund.

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