A girl’s POV
A fresh bouquet of roses, pink and red balloons, and heart shaped chocolates – everything about Valentine’s Day seems designed for a girl to be dazzled by her partner with grand gestures. But what about the guys? As a girl, I’ve often wondered what men really expect on this day. Do they secretly hope for a romantic surprise, or are they content just making their partners happy?
When choosing a Valentine’s gift for a guy, thoughtfulness matters more than extravagance in most cases. Instead of something generic, pick a gift that matches his interests. If he loves gaming, a new accessory for his setup could be a great choice. A bookworm would appreciate a novel from his favorite author, while a music lover might enjoy concert tickets or an album from his favorite band. Personalised gifts, like a keychain with his initials or a custom notebook, add a special touch without being too flashy. Even practical gifts, like a nice cologne or a good-quality wallet, show that you’ve put real thought into what he would really appreciate.
What boys really want
The popular internet meme, “if you give a guy a rock, he’ll cherish it for the rest of his life” is pretty accurate. Most guys will cherish anything that they are given, but if it is something that is catered to our liking, you can bet we’ll be treasuring the memento till our death.
Planning activities might be easier said than done. Often times what you think might be the ideal date might not be the same for him. Instead of a traditional dinner-and-flowers routine, consider planning an activity that matches his personality. If he enjoys adventure, a day of kayaking or laser tag could be fun. If he’s more laid-back, a library date or going to the movies might be the perfect way to spend the day. Remember, the best Valentine’s Day isn’t about following traditions—it’s about creating moments that feel natural and enjoyable for both of you.
What boys really want
That’s pretty spot on. It’s about making the day memorable for both of you. So, laser tag and chill? That sounds very interesting.
Romantic Gestures
Men may not always express it, but they appreciate thoughtful romantic gestures as well. Writing heartfelt handwritten notes, a playlist of songs that remind you of him, or preparing his favourite meal can be just as romantic as any grand gesture. Even something as simple as telling him why you appreciate him in person or over a sincere text can mean the world. Besides all this, the classic go-to – chocolates – can be a sweet expression and surprising him with a small bouquet of flowers might just leave him grinning, even if he never saw it coming.
What boys really want
My friend got me a flower a decade ago, I still keep it in my phone’s case. So yes, definitely buy your partner some flowers. He’ll love them. As for handwritten notes? No matter how bad your handwriting may be, it’ll be angelic to him.
A boy’s POV
Like it or not, February 14th is a pretty important date for people in a relationship. People who are single can pretend all they want that they do not care it and it’s “just another day.” But in a relationship, you don’t get that luxury. What to gift? Where to go? What to do? Valentine’s can be an incredible headache if you don’t know what your partner wants. But even if you think you do, do you know what constitutes the perfect Valentine’s date for your partner?
You might find it hard to guess what she wants to do on Valentine’s. Does she want to go to the movies? How about a park? Does she want to take nice pictures at a great restaurant?
I’m not going to lie; you’re going to be on your own on this one.
The advice I’ll give you is to communicate with your partner. Valentine’s Day is for both of you to enjoy, so talk with her and find something you both like. Want to stay indoors and order a Pizza? Sure. Want to go out and have a nice fancy dinner? Have at it. Just make sure whatever you end up doing, both of you enjoy it.
What girls really want
That’s right, figuring out the perfect Valentine’s Day activity isn’t easy, but one thing’s for sure—she will appreciate the effort you put into planning it. Most times, girls don’t want to plan a date. So, if you can organize the perfect day for both of you, it gives you the chance to set everything in a way that works for both of you while also letting you surprise her. And as mentioned, if you’re really confused, just ask. Communication does go a long way in making the day special for both of you.
As a guy, it can be incredibly hard to know what your girl might like for Valentines. Sure, teddies and jewelry are there but the amount of variety in the latter and the childishness of the former makes them out to be quite a hard choice in the end.
I’m sure everyone appreciates the thought behind the gift than the gift themselves. Give your girlfriend or wife something that made you think of them, something that speaks to her and only her. So yes, don’t give her something generic, think about her and her gift.
What girls really want
Exactly! As a girl, I believe I speak for many when I say that most of our lives, we try to be understood by others, especially by our partners. So, giving her a gift that speaks to her—one that shows you truly understand her and see her for who she is—will mean far more than any random piece of jewelry.
And most of the times girls will give you hints on what they want. Try to be perceptive and try to pick up clues on what she is pining for.
Romantic Gestures
With gifts, comes romantic gestures. Gone are the days when only a single gift was enough. Thanks to the internet, just a gift is not optimizing Valentine’s Day. Don’t get me wrong, your partner will appreciate you for anything that you gift her on the day, but 14th February comes only once in a year. Why not go all out and make the day as memorable as possible?
So why not get her some small gifts along with the big one? Like appetizers to the main course. I suggest the usual, flowers, chocolates, and a handwritten letter if you’re not a doctor along with the gift that you have planned. It’s certainly better than just giving her something on its own.
What girls really want
No matter how many times you give your girl flowers, each time will feel new to her, and she will cherish them forever. So yes, even if you don’t understand the appeal of it, get her some flowers! If you remember her favorite ones, that will do wonders. Besides, a little note on why you love her so much can give your professional overthinker a timely reassurance and keep both of you in peace.