How would you feel if you starved for a day? That’s how most of the poor people feel who can’t afford a meal for several days. Every day many people die from hunger. People under the poverty line often sleep with empty stomachs. According to the “UN World Food Program’s live Hunger Map,” worldwide, 957 million people cannot afford enough food regularly.(World Hunger Facts: World Food Shortage 2021 - Embrace Relief Foundation, n.d.). Therefore, I want to eliminate ‘food waste’ from the world and change the food-wasting habit of people. Instead of wasting, if the privileged people start giving their leftover food to the needy, the world would be much nicer. I believe, if we adopt several measures such as buying only the required amount of food, not storing excess food, adopting a more sustainable diet, etc. Also, I want to establish an NGO that will prevent food wastage and make sure the unprivileged people get enough food for their survival, at least in my surroundings. Food is a blessing; we should consume it respectfully and stop wasting it.