Discovering the Fiction inside you

Ever felt like writing a story about your life, that consists of interesting characters which are of course you and your friends, and make people experience amazing plot twists of how you came to be here reading this article? Fiction writing is exactly like that.

Writing may not be a cup of tea for everyone. Often times I came across writers who used to be afraid of expressing the words in their own manner or didn’t want to look like a fool in front of others. They kept checking the grammar, the tense, the sentence formation, seeking perfection. But as long as they didn’t give up and kept on writing, they gained that freedom and became way better at expressing themselves.

This might be the story of us being writers, but is it important? Yes, it lets you feel your words out first. Your words are important! To feel how you want to express a world of imagination inside you in your own words. It doesn’t take tons of dedication or hours, rather it simply takes a lot of imagination and freedom only. Once you learn to see and dream the story inside you, you can learn to shape it. Only then you can turn it into chapters, making a story of your own life with time.

But, why fiction writing? There are content writing, copywriting, blog writing, and many others that prove to work as a beneficial part of our life too. But to explore the most creative corners inside you, fiction writing is the answer. It lets you know the creative side of you, exploring and expressing in the most mysterious manner possible.

Picture this, a character named “Zoya”, a very short-tempered boy who is known to be good at nothing but writing sat down on his favorite chair. He looked out the window and saw a few crows flying. The afternoon sky looked dry, the breeze gives off a spring vibe and the sunlight rays are slightly hitting on his face. Right then, he hears a voice “Zoya, did you get kicked out of your class again today? Why are you still at home!” Zoyas mom shouts at him as she approaches heavily towards the door.

Now, while you read the previous passage, if you try, you can imagine most of the scenario happening in your mind. Focus on the details, how Zoya is, how he must be feeling, how the character development is made, how the plot twists may happen someday in Zoyas life. Once you focus, you’ll see tons of details given of how the story is going. Even you can finish off this story too, in your own manner.

This may just be an example, but try writing your own story. Try writing how your life is going every day, how you are struggling, how you are coming back strongly. Let the words out and make a story of your own world. Start with your own story, one day you’ll be able to make a Zoya of your own, giving the traits in the personalities. Believe me, you might even make a story the whole world would read so passionately.

4 thoughts on “Discovering the Fiction inside you”

  1. Thank you Mr. Zarif Ashrafee Tayesh, my beloved son. I am very happy to see you as a writer. I wish to offer thanks to the editor of `TBS Graduates’ for being lodged and roomed you within their capacity. I think his environment which is governed by his seniors also make it easy to run on this way. I am being a writer, I consider this sort of achievement as an wonderful act and I consider this will make Tayesh a writer in future which will inherit as well as produce inherent talent in this line. In his early life he was fond of Cat culture. Many times we struggled for Cat but when one of his beloved Cat were missing I assigned him a job to write biography of that cat. I think Tayesh did not understood why I entrusted him such a job which will create more agony. But this agony for a domestic animal is very important in human life. It creates emotion in a mind of human being which is most important ingredient to write something circled it. Tayesh considered it as a matter of agony and after starting to write on it he stopped it without showing any reason. While asked for, he replied that I did not like to memorize that matter. So the job was part done or undone to say correctly. I think now his environment tells him to avail such sequence to write something. However I congratulate him for his article styled `Discovering the fiction inside you’. I hope he will devote himself in this line so that he can say something about his environment and feelings which may results in favor of human society as well. Thanks to his all well wishers for giving him such atmosphere.

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