Five things to check before signing an employment contract

You might be a recent graduate who is super excited to start his/her career finally. Or maybe you’re a young professional who already has a bit of experience working, but you’re still exploring to find the perfect workplace. When you receive an employment contract offer letter, don’t forget to check a few things out of excitement.

First of all, check if there’s any condition related to Surety Bonds that mention that it is necessary for you to serve a workplace for a given period. For example, you might be joining a bank, which requires you to sign a bond that states you have to work at the bank for a minimum of two years.

Check the working hours. Some places start their work from 9 AM, some start from 10 AM, and it varies depending on the industry and organization you are in. Your contract might include clauses that state that it’s mandatory for you to work a particular number of hours to complete the requirements of your role.

Make sure you know if there’s any ‘non-compete’ clause in your employment contract. A non-compete agreement mentions that a former employee cannot work in a specific industry for a given period. This will only be applicable in a few cases if you’re switching from one organization to another, within the same industry.

Don’t forget to check the salary. You might have negotiated with a department head during the interview about a certain number, but due to miscommunication, the human resource department might have written the wrong number. Nevertheless, it’s safe to check the remuneration properly.

Last but not least, check for the required documents. To finalize your employment, they might be needing a number of documents that you might need time to arrange/collect. Therefore, check for the documents they need.

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