55 Bangladeshi students get Chinese Government Scholarship this year

A total of 55 Bangladeshi students won the 2023-2024 academic year Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS) sponsored by the China Scholarship Council, said a media release by the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh on Monday (19 June).

Among the recipients of the CGS, 18 are undergraduate and 23 are master’s level students; 14 are doctors. It is the first time that Chinese government scholarships will be issued after the coronavirus pandemic.

“The award-winning students will be able to study in China instead of online distance learning as during the epidemic. Therefore, Bangladeshi students apply enthusiastically. Nearly 500 people applied in the first round, which is the year with the largest number of applicants in the past three years. The admission ratio is close to 1:10, and it is also the year with the most intense admission competition in the past three years,” the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh said. 

Chinese universities that have admitted Bangladeshi students this year include Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Tongji University and many other top Chinese universities. The scope of majors covers science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, and teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages.

The scholarship includes tuition, accommodation, living expenses, comprehensive medical insurance, and round-trip international travel expenses.

The Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh will notify the scholarship recipients in the near future.

The final admission results and entry arrangements are subject to the school’s written admission notice.

“We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in the scholarship program for the 2023-2024 academic year, and also thank the Bangladesh Ministry of Education for its strong support. We wish all the awardees success in studying in China, and their dreams come true in China as well!” the Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh said. 

The CGS is the flagship programme of Chinese official scholarships.

In addition, the Chinese scholarships open to Bangladeshi students also include various provincial government scholarships, municipal government scholarships, university scholarships, Confucius Institute scholarships, vocational education scholarships and many other categories.

The news was published on TBS on 19 June 2023: https://www.tbsnews.net/bangladesh/education/55-bangladeshi-students-get-chinese-government-scholarship-year-652262

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