The new liberation: A legacy of unfailing student power in Bangladesh

“Rage, rage against the dying of the light” – Dylan Thomas.

5 August 2024

Today, the air in Bangladesh is filled with the fresh smell of freedom—raw, fierce, and drenched in sacrifice. The indomitable spirit of the students has once again rewritten the nation’s destiny.

From the Language Movement in 1952, the mass uprising of 1969, the Liberation War of 1971, to the protest against dictator Ershad in the 1990s, students have been in the forefront of every critical turning point in Bangladesh’s history. Today, they have written a new chapter in this storied legacy, toppling a repressive regime and reclaiming the promise of a brighter future.

July, 2024

Shahbagh: The epicentre of revolution

It began in July, as students gathered in Shahbagh, igniting a movement that would soon sweep the nation. Under the banner of “Students Against Discrimination,” they demanded reforms to the unjust quota system.

Fast forward to 15 July, the government responded with brutal force, attacking students at Dhaka University. This repression, intended to silence the voices of dissent, only galvanized them. Universities, both public and private, across the country rallied in solidarity.

On 18 July, the state resorted to extreme measures: an internet blackout, the imposition of curfews, and the use of military force, including firing from helicopters. The army open fired on unarmed protesters.

The nation saw in utter shock and disbelief how brutally the young people were murdered before their very eyes. Anyone could mistake the horrific scenes for the war devastated Gaza, and the regime so accurately depicting the oppressor, Israel.

The once peaceful streets were transformed into battlegrounds. The regime’s use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition against unarmed citizens horrified the nation. The brutality reached even into the sanctity of homes, with children becoming victims of indiscriminate violence.

Despite facing arbitrary arrests, torture, and night raids, the students’ resolve remained unbroken. The coordinators of “Students Against Discrimination” were taken into police custody and subjected to severe torture, but they refused to surrender.

Their courage became contagious, spreading beyond campuses and inspiring ordinary citizens to join the cause. What began as a movement for educational reform evolved into a nationwide uprising against an oppressive regime.

Now all the previous demands boiled down to a single demand: the fall of this fascist regime.

The fall of a regime

In an absolutely stunning display of resistance, a 15-year dictatorship crumbled within just 15 days.

On 5 August, in the previously declared programme – Long March to Dhaka – became an absolute success as people from all walks of life headed for Dhaka and later surrounded Ganabhaban.

They declared victory as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country, drawing an end of her authoritarian rule.

The mighty Gen Z

The youth of Bangladesh, the Generation Z, had succeeded where many had doubted they could. This generation, often dismissed as apathetic and preoccupied with social media, had proven to be a powerful force for change.

They had never witnessed the Liberation War of 1971, but they now had their own victory to claim—an uprising that freed their nation from tyranny.

Honouring the fallen

As we celebrate this hard-won freedom, we must also remember the heroes who paid the ultimate price. Abu Sayeed, the first martyr of this movement, stood fearlessly against the regime, becoming an eternal symbol of resistance.

We honour Mir Mugdho, who offered water to fellow protesters before being tragically shot in the head. We remember Rafi, Shanto, Wasim, Tahmid, Yamin, Tanvin, Farhan, Irfan, Fahad, Shakil, Zafor, Tasauf, and hundreds of others whose lives were cut short. Their sacrifices will forever be engraved in our memory.

We also pay tribute to Abrar Fahad, a BUET student murdered in 2019 for his outspoken support of free speech. He was a victim of the Bangladesh Students’ League, the student wing of the now-fallen regime.

To Abrar and all the martyrs, we say: Your sacrifices were not in vain. We have won. We hope you all are watching this and smiling up from heaven.

A new dawn

Today, we stand at the threshold of a new era. The legacy of student power in Bangladesh is as strong as ever, and the nation’s future now lies in the hands of its youth.

The crucial task before us is to rebuild and reform our country, ensuring that the values of justice, equality, and freedom are upheld.

We salute the courage and sacrifice of our young heroes. Bangladesh will forever be indebted to its students, who have once again proven to be the torchbearers of change. Now, it’s time for all of us to come together and build a nation worthy of their legacy. The work begins now.

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