TBS Graduates DU begins subject preference selection for 3 units, interview dates announced Bangabandhu’s bust removed from West Sydney University campus Government forms committee to review 7% quota in public jobs The Business Standard and HerWILL partner to promote gender equality Argentina thrash Brazil in 4-1 win, qualify for the World Cup Family opposes sculpture of Abu Sayeed in Mongol Shobhajatra TBS and Lead Academy sign MOU Team SignTalk from SUST to represent Bangladesh at Rice360 Global Health Competition in the US 151 appointed as Head Teachers from 41st BCS Non-Cadre list Jagannath University ‘A’ unit admission test results published Private medical college admissions: 827 waitlisted candidates must confirm by 25 March Second round of migration and waiting list announced for government medical colleges 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 42