Women, business and policy

Written By: Fabi Mahadia Islam

Implementation of adequate policy to enhance female entrepreneurship in Bangladesh is more important than just dry motivation.

Female empowerment translates to facilitating women’s independence in all spectrums of life, including social, economic, and cultural spheres. This entails encouraging women to value themselves and giving them the freedom to make decisions for themselves. Entrepreneurship among women is deemed the pinnacle of women’s empowerment because it can provide a woman with significant grounding for being a trailblazer.

Despite social and economic constraints, women in Bangladesh have made significant contributions over the years, helping to propel the country’s emerging economy to success. Still, action needs to be taken and policies put in place to help women in Bangladesh become more financially independent.

Women in business, women in the workforce, and women entrepreneurs with disabilities can benefit from policies that increase social protection and inclusion, as well as from practices that lessen the risks to which they are exposed. It is necessary to implement policies that foster a more positive and encouraging work environment. In addition, many women who might otherwise start their own businesses encounter discrimination because of their gender.

We need to create policies that put an end to or significantly lessen the gender gap and discrimination against women. The government of Bangladesh can use social and mainstream media to promote the value of female entrepreneurship and the positive impact it can have on the economy as a whole in order to combat sexism in the workplace.

However, patriarchy persists largely in rural Bangladesh. The primary reason for this is the cultural expectation that boys will eventually become the breadwinners in their families. Girls’ education, on the other hand, is often overlooked, stigmatized, and actively discouraged. In most cases, they must start their work-day early, whether at home, with their in-laws, or elsewhere in the workforce. The government can help by mandating free education for girls in rural areas and supporting groups that work to advance the status of women and girls.

Women will be more self-reliant if they have access to free education and organizations like these, and they may start their own businesses such as tailoring, providing home tuition, etc. A solid foundation for women’s economic independence can be found in access to free higher education. Additionally, the government can plan policies for creating institutions that teach women business skills.

As a result, many more women may feel encouraged to pursue entrepreneurial careers, as they may gain useful knowledge and skills. Many women entrepreneurs would benefit from government policies that would encourage the formation of financial institutions that would provide them with startup capital. Women are often not provided with financial support from their families. Additionally, policies must be put into place to ensure women have access to infrastructure.

Because of this, women will have a more pleasant environment to live in. As more money enters the sector as a result of government subsidies, female business owners have more negotiating power. As a result, it may encourage more women to pursue business opportunities. Therefore, the government should craft a policy that includes funding for businesses run by women.

Finally, a boost in female entrepreneurship will be good for more than just Bangladesh’s economy; it will also give more women the self-actualization and profound sense of self-worth that are crucial to succeeding.

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