DU students organise ‘mass wedding’ on 20 Sept to celebrate newfound freedom

Residential students of Shahid Sergeant Zahurul Huq Hall of Dhaka University have taken the initiative to organise a “mass wedding” for hall students.

The event is being held to shatter the “taboo” surrounding marriage and to celebrate the mass uprising, said the organisers.

Initially started by DU, students of many universities including Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi University and others followed suit.

Many even announced counter events such as “Mass crying on the occasion of mass weddings”.

Students have found innovative ways to celebrate the event with many taking to social media to announce they will provide free services to the brides such as sharee draping, mehedi and makeup services.

Some even found themselves in precarious situations. “My mother called me and told me they are waiting for my bride! When I asked what do you mean she said she saw videos of all students getting married so I must have gotten married as well. I failed to make her understand the reality of the situation and despite repeatedly saying I did not get married but was playing football, she refused to believe me and demanded I bring their daughter-in-law home!” posted a student in the Facebook group “GST admission test helpline”.

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