We’ve all been in that situation where we ask a topper, “How is your preparation going?” and they casually reply, “Oh, I haven’t studied much.” Then the result day comes, and they’re at the top of the class. And you’re left wondering, How the heck did they do that? Were they lying, or do they have some magical secret? Well, guess what? It’s not magic. It’s strategy!
You’re not the only one who has ever been annoyed while attempting to decipher their enigmatic ways. The good news is that we can still access their secrets. If you have the correct mindset and approach, you can master the code and become a member of the toppers group of achievers. Let’s explore the seven hacks that the toppers rarely discuss but rely on.
- The Feynman technique:
It’s a common phenomenon where we are staring at a concept, convinced that we’ve understood it, only to blank out during an exam. That used to be me too. Then I tried the Feynman Technique.
I started explaining concepts to my friends. This helped both of us, respectively. If they didn’t get it, I knew I needed to simplify further. By the end of these “teaching” sessions, I was so clear on the topic that answering test questions felt very easy.
- Continuous repetition:
I used to cram everything the night before an exam; I still do. Something about the pressure of the night before makes me think I could store it all in my head like a hard drive. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work.
Then I was introduced to spaced repetition, and everything changed. Revisiting material at regularly like once after a day, again after a week helps to remember strongly. If the study material requires memorisation, this method makes it easier.
- Pomodoro Technique:
Studying for hours without breaks? Been there and burnt out from it. This is why you should follow the Pomodoro Technique. It is a time management method where you study with full focus for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.
I usually reward myself with a 5-minute Facebook scroll. Okay, maybe a few more reels. After completing four Pomodoros, you take a longer break for about 15 to 30 minutes. This cycle helps improve focus, prevent burnout, and boost productivity.
- Teach yourself:
One semester, I struggled with psycholinguistics, and then, randomly, I started pretending to teach it to myself. I’d give lectures about it out loud in front of the mirror, write mock lecture notes, and even give pretend answers to questions from imaginary students. This will help you to grasp topics deeply scored above average in the subject. Also, it’s a really fun activity to do in private.
- Active recall:
One hack I always follow is: revision, revision, revision. Highlighting and rereading my notes is not only productive but also improves grades. I start with highlighting key points during my initial reading and then recall those sections during my study sessions.
Revision isn’t just about repetition; it’s about actively engaging with the study material to deepen understanding. This will carve it in your muscle memory and make you feel more confident during the exam.
- Interleaving:
Switching topics might seem counterproductive, but it’s not. Spending hours on a single subject will only zone you out. Interleaving means studying one topic for 30 minutes and then switching to another and later revisiting the first topic again. This mix will keep you engaged and help you see connections between topics. I believe this will be a game-changer for you during exams.
- Prioritise Sleep:
During the last nights of exams, we all tend to sacrifice sleep. Big mistake. Sleep isn’t wasted time, but it’s actually when your brain processes and stores the information. After pulling countless all-nighters and feeling like a zombie, I started to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
Even during exams. My focus, mood, and grades improved drastically. This is why we have to start studying early. I know, I know. Sounds like something most of us never do. But if you want to improve your grades, listen to this advice!
These techniques aren’t just study hacks; they’re life hacks. Here’s the thing though: knowing them is one thing, and using them is another. You don’t have to try all 7 at once. Pick one or two, experiment, and adapt them to your style. Remember that success isn’t about comparing yourself to others. But it’s about being better than how you were yesterday. So, go ahead, give these hacks a shot, and watch how they transform your studies.
Who knows? You might just become the topper everyone else is asking for advice.