Hack your fluency: Strategies to learn English without textbooks

Have you ever watched an award show and been amazed by how effortlessly non-native actors switch accents or deliver witty lines in English that are not their own? 

Many celebrities’ secret weapon isn’t years hunched over textbooks and grammar rules but a variety of learning activities that don’t involve books. Surprising, isn’t it? Well, it’s a fact. 

If you are a non-native English speaker trying to speak fluently, there might be better ways to become fluent than your English classes in school and grammar books. 

Learning can be much more effective if you enjoy the process. Here’s a breakdown of a few ways to improve your English skills without using traditional grammar books.

TV series and movies

Netflix could potentially serve as your next English teacher. English movies and TV series could be a better alternative to reading books, as they require less effort to consume. Watching series or movies is a good way to understand how to use specific expressions, expand your vocabulary, and learn proper sentences in English. 

However, remember that speech patterns and expressions can vary in these movies and shows. Pronunciations also differ between American and British shows. Therefore, be mindful of these details.

Music and podcast

Music is a universal language, and English songs can be a fantastic learning tool. By singing along to your favorite tunes and paying attention to the lyrics, you can improve your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary. Similarly, podcasts cover many topics, from news and storytelling to science and comedy. Choose podcasts that pique your interest; soon enough, you’ll be learning English and gathering more knowledge without realising it.

Video games

Yes, you read that right – video games can be a legitimate way to learn English. Many games feature dialogue, quotes, and storylines that require players to read, understand, and respond in English. Multiplayer or online games, in particular, offer opportunities to communicate with other players via chat or voice, providing practical language practice. You don’t have to be fluent; just go with the flow. However, that doesn’t mean you have to play games for an unhealthy amount of time!

Social media 

Beyond memes and photos, social media can be your secret English classroom. Follow English-speaking influencers, join English practice groups, or engage in online conversations on platforms like X, Reddit, or Facebook. Engaging in online conversations can help you practice writing and reading in a less formal setting.

While traditional methods have their ways, these strategies can make learning more enjoyable. Remember, the key is to stay focused and practice regularly. Make these practices your habit, and you’ll find yourself speaking and understanding English more confidently in no time.

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