Applications open for ULAB Diversity Fellowship Program

About the Fellowship
The Center for Enterprise and Society (CES) at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) has launched a Fellowship Program for the youth of Bangladesh. We are looking for applications for competitive project ideas that promote awareness and practices of tolerance and diversity in their communities. Under tolerance and diversity, we are open to ideas that promote religious tolerance, freedom of expression, tolerance towards ethnic and sexual minorities, social inclusion, gender equality, women’s empowerment, etc.

The fellowship, titled the ULAB Diversity Fellowship, is a 6-month long program open to youths aged between 21 and 30. Selected fellows will be awarded $1000 and mentored by high-profile civil society leaders and academics to implement their
projects. Selected fellows will have to demonstrate a passion for and track record in promoting diversity, tolerance, and pluralism in Bangladesh.

The fellowship project ideas must fall under one or more of the following thematic areas:

Religious tolerance, secularism, and protection of rights of religious minorities: Where do we stand in achieving secularism in independent Bangladesh? What can we do more to ensure civil rights for people with different religious identities? What are some pockets of intolerance we need to shed light on?
Freedom of expression and hate speech: Where does free speech end and hate speech start? Should there be any boundaries to free speech? Or does imposing boundaries hinder free speech itself?
Racial and ethnic justice for minorities and their empowerment: Preservation of indigenous language, cultural preservation, and promotion of indigenous people’s rights in Bangladesh
Women’s empowerment, equity, and protection of gender diversity: What is gender justice? What are the challenges faced by women in Bangladesh across different domains of society? What are the twenty first century dynamics of gender diversity and equality? How can we achieve gender equity?
Socio-economic inclusiveness: Do citizens of various socio-economic classes enjoy equal rights? What are the different forms of socioeconomic discrimination? How can we achieve socio-economic inclusiveness?

The fellowship aims to engage the youth of Bangladesh to consider social issues surrounding diversity and tolerance in greater detail and raise awareness using innovative means. Social class, religion, gender identity, and other factors are all
included in the notion of diversity, which goes beyond race and gender. The fellowship projects should seek to:

● Address current community needs in terms of diversity, tolerance, and pluralism
● Strive for uniqueness in ideation, implementation, and impact
● Realize impact that is scalable and sustainable

Types of Entry under the ULAB Diversity Fellowship
The ULAB Diversity Fellowship is a competitive program where candidates can design their project ideas under any of the 5 thematic areas and implement them through various activities. The key is to bridge the theme with one or more activities (types of entries) to create a form of social mobilization. The top 10 ideas will be shortlisted and the best 5 among them will be selected for the fellowship.

The following are the different types of entries:

A. Documentary/Short Film
Fellows can plan and create a documentary/short film that represents the issues in Bangladesh related to diversity and tolerance. The quality of the documentary/short film should be of a global standard in terms of the script and cinematography. The time length of the documentary/short film must be at least 25 mins. After the project is completed, the fellows will be encouraged to create a YouTube channel and upload it there. Additionally, the fellows are required to create at least 2 posts for social media platforms, preferably Facebook and Twitter, regarding this video along with the YouTube link.

B. Seminars/Workshops
Fellows can organize at least 2 seminars or workshops by bringing in experts in the areas of diversity and tolerance. The experts should be representatives of renowned NGOs, International NGOs, Think Tanks, or universities. They must focus on contemporary issues in Bangladesh related to diversity and tolerance. The fellows will also need to ensure the attendance of 30 participants per seminar/workshop. They should create promotional materials for these seminars/workshops to be posted on social media platforms, preferably Facebook and Twitter, within the timeline of the project. The outcomes of these seminars ought to be documented in at least 5–10-page reports.

C. Video Podcast
Fellows can create video podcasts of at least 6 episodes (each with a duration of 15 minutes) by bringing in experts to talk about diversity and tolerance and expose the challenges in this area in Bangladesh. All the episodes should be uploaded to the YouTube channel of the fellow and that of CES. Fellows are encouraged to apply any other creative ideas to make sure that the video is engaging for the viewers. They must ensure that the audio and video quality are of a global standard and that the 10 episodes altogether must reach at least 10,000 views by the end of the fellowship.

D. Awareness Campaign
Fellows can organize an awareness campaign against discrimination and promote diversity, tolerance, and pluralism. Videos and still photographs of the campaign need to be captured. The fellows should write and publish 2 articles about the campaign, one for an English and the other for a Bangla leading newspaper or online news portal. Additionally, the fellows are required to create at least 2 posts for social media platforms, preferably Facebook and Twitter, regarding the campaign.

E. Art or Photography Exhibition
Fellows can organize an art or photo exhibition with their own work and other curated pieces. The artwork and photos must portray or demonstrate diversity in our society, or the contemporary challenges related to it. The fellows need to plan and execute the exhibition in a manner that meets the deadline and quality requirements. The fellows will be responsible for all the promotions both before and after the exhibition. These promotions must be within the timeline and the funding of the project.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates can only apply as individuals. However, they can work with a team of their choosing. ULAB will only issue contracts to individuals as Fellows.
  • Candidates must be between ages 21 and 30.
  • Candidates must have relevant experience with the type of entry in their respective proposals.
  • Please note that ULAB believes in equal opportunity. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, class, religion, or sexual orientation.

Selection Process
The selection process entails 2 rounds. In the first round, applicants must submit a written proposal of their idea through the application form involving a theme and activities for implementation. Candidates will be shortlisted for the second round of selection where they have to pitch their ideas. The top 5 candidates with the most creative, innovative, and sustainable ideas for promoting diversity and tolerance will be selected for the fellowship.

Funding for the Fellowship
Each selected fellow will receive a gross amount of $1000 (the equivalent amount in BDT) to implement their project ideas. Half of the fund will be awarded after the selection of the project concept and the remaining half will be awarded after the successful completion of the fellowship program. The fellowship payment is subject to VAT and tax deduction as per government rules.

Application Process
Applications must be submitted using the following link:

Deadline for application: December 06, 2022
Duration of the fellowship: February 1, 2023, to July 31, 2023

Contact Information
For queries regarding the ULAB Diversity Fellowship or the application process, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01730082198 (Work Hours: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Sunday to Thursday)

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