The prospects of AI in the Bangladesh healthcare system

by Nuzhath Tabassum Orpaa

Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, has blended in seamlessly into our daily lives. From smart assistants like Alexa and Siri to recommendations in streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify, the ubiquity of AI is undeniable. And this epoch of AI dominance could be the right time for Bangladesh to transform its healthcare sector with AI integration and take it a notch higher.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence describes a machine’s ability to simulate human intelligence. In short, it enables machines to think like humans. AI mainly works by processing a large volume of data along with powerful algorithms. Subsequently, these data help to generate patterns and correlations for future tasks. 

Numerous subtopics are associated with AI, like Machine Learning, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, and Rule-based expert systems. A combination of these technologies has revolutionized healthcare sectors by increasing the scope and accessibility of healthcare provisions globally.

AI’s contributions to healthcare and medicine

The integration of AI and healthcare has produced substantial results in research and innovation catering to many stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. For patients, AI models can ensure the precise diagnosis of diseases. According to a 2017 study, a deep learning AI model can diagnose breast cancer at a faster rate than 11 pathologists. Similarly, Predictive analytics using machine learning can effectively treat hypertension by allowing physicians to work on different dosages and medical combinations. AI-assisted surgery and drug discovery optimization are some ways AI has improved the quality of care rendered to patients. 

AI’s implementation in Bangladesh’s healthcare

The government of Bangladesh has outlined the AI strategy and roadmap in the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence report published on March 2020. The roadmap entailed six strategies: Research and development, Skilling the AI workforce, Industrialization of AI, Digital infrastructure development, Funding AI startups, and ensuring Data privacy. The project strategies focused on integrating AI are expected to be systematically applied from 2020 to 2025. 

The critical step to implementing AI in the Bangladesh healthcare sector is through a centralized information system. A web-based system can be put up to collect the statistical data centrally. Such a system will ensure a robust data reservoir that can be integrated into the Health Information System (HIS). A common ground can be reached where hospitals across the country can easily share and access patient records. AI model-driven telemedicine can be developed to provide medical assistance to a larger population at a time. AI models pertinent to Bangladesh’s healthcare system can also work on predicting epidemics and redirect efforts to control them in advance.

AI in uplifting Bangladesh’s healthcare system 

As a country with just 5 doctors per 10000 patients, the addition of AI will mean quick and improved services. Doctors and virtual nurses can work together to serve the maximum number of patients through AI-driven technologies. Hospitals, on the other hand, can use AI to reduce paperwork and time-consuming admission procedures. All these will greatly reduce hassle on a patient’s side and save valuable time. 

Ethical issues to consider

The idea of including AI in the healthcare stream is highly contentious because of the ethical issues tied to it. One such issue is data privacy. As artificial intelligence will rely on data networks, issues like cyber-security and data leakage might be recurring concerns. Another problem that needs to be considered is unemployment. The addition of AI might displace humans in some aspects, which can worsen job scarcity. The issue of accountability is yet another issue associated with AI inclusion. In case of a wrong diagnosis (which is very much possible), who do we blame- the doctors or the system? What if people refuse to trust AI-generated results over physical visits to doctors? The issues of accountability and acceptance pose a big question mark to the successful integration of AI in Bangladesh’s Healthcare system.

Despite the many uncertainties, the prospect of AI in healthcare seems promising. The valuation of AI in healthcare is projected to reach a whopping 164 billion USD by 2029. So, it is safe to say that we can expect some exemplary research and growth in this sector in a couple of years. Tech companies like Arterys, PathAI, and Deepmind have already produced some fascinating research works related to medical AI. 

The AI healthcare market has great potential but it surely has a long way to go. From our country’s perspective, successful integration of AI will require robust infrastructure and sensible government policies to ensure health equity for all. Overall, with adequate investments, proper policy-making, and continuous research, we can surely expect some medical marvels that will further strengthen our belief in the potential of AI to transform the healthcare system.

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