Government to provide financial assistance to college freshers: How to apply

To ensure college admission for underprivileged students, the Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust will provide financial support to eligible candidates enrolling in the 11th grade. Applications for this assistance will open on Wednesday (5 March), as announced in an official notice from the Trust. Students can apply via the designated link until 10 April at 11:59am.

According to the notice, financial aid will be provided to underprivileged and meritorious students admitted to the 11th grade for the 2024–25 academic year under the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, the Directorate of Technical Education, and the Madrasa Education Directorate. Students will receive support in line with the ‘Admission Assistance Guidelines’ to ensure their enrolment.

The Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust has been facilitating admission for financially disadvantaged and high-achieving students. Currently, students receive Tk5,000 at the secondary level, Tk8,000 at the higher secondary level, and Tk10,000 at the undergraduate and equivalent levels.

Eligibility for application

• Children of employees in grades 13 to 20 of government, semi-government, autonomous, and constitutional institutions will be eligible for financial assistance. In other cases, the annual income of the applicant’s parents or guardian must be below Tk200,000.
• Applicants must upload the necessary documents and follow the e-admission assistance guidelines before the deadline on 10 April.
• Required documents include the applicant’s photograph, birth certificate, guardian’s national ID, and a recommendation from the head of the educational institution on the prescribed form. For children of third- and fourth-grade government employees, certification or recommendation from their parent’s workplace head will also be necessary.

For further details and the application process, visit:

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