Rising from the ashes: Conquering academic burnout

Imagine this. You wake up to an array of lectures, assignments, and task schedules. You’re hustling hard because you want to ace this semester. But you begin to feel like you’re running out of energy as the days draw closer together and the pressure increases. You feel overwhelmed by all these tasks that need to be tackled, and would rather crawl back into bed.

If this sounds like what you’re going through, you may be experiencing academic burnout—a battle many students know all too well, including myself. According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Academic Burnout is a condition caused by prolonged or excessive academic stress, leading to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion among students. Having been there, I struggled to juggle coursework, deadlines, and personal responsibilities, and it felt like I was drowning in a sea of expectations.

Burnout is a common problem among college students, which is often underestimated. According to the National College Health Assessment, 80% of college students feel overwhelmed, and 40% struggle to function properly. Several studies show that students’ well-being is a growing concern. A 2020 study by NCBI identify Academic Burnout as an “Educational Complication and Promotion Barrier” among undergraduate students.

Moreover, a recent survey by the career platform Handshake indicates that over 80% of college seniors experience burnout during their undergraduate studies, characterised by chronic exhaustion and a lack of motivation. This problem is not only limited to college students but affects students at all levels. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America adds to this concern, reporting that 80% of US students experience stress “sometimes or often,” with 34% experiencing depression.

Rahat, a student at a private university in Dhaka, shared, “I look at everything I have to do, and it feels insurmountable. I can’t even start, and no matter what I do, it doesn’t feel like enough.” This academic burnout can truly drain you, both mentally and physically. “I’m constantly on edge, coming home exhausted every day, and even the smallest things seem to set me off,” he added.

We’ve all likely experienced or are currently experiencing this phase. But rarely is it caused by only one factor. Many factors beyond academic pressure have a more significant impact in this scenario.  Academic workloads, the stress of maintaining grades, and the pressure of meeting deadlines are critical factors in academic burnout. Additional factors include financial strain, a lack of balance, ineffective time management, inadequate support, and unclear goals.

So, is it possible to overcome academic burnout?

Absolutely, brave warriors! This is an everyday challenge that many students encounter. The good news? You don’t have to fight burnout by yourself. Through my journey of navigating academic burnout, I’ve uncovered five strategies that aided me to stay focused and on track:

Chunk it down: Rather than looking at a mountain of work, divide it into digestible portions. This will help each activity feel less daunting and free up your attention to concentrate on moving forward realistically. Doing tasks one at a time, I regained control and progress, making the work less daunting.

Prioritise wisely: Know that not all tasks carry the same level of importance. Prioritise them and start with the most important ones. Learn to say no to additional commitments that might stretch you too thin.

Embrace self-care: Schedule time for activities that make you happy and help you relax, like reading, spending time with loved ones, working out, or taking a bath. Being well-rested and well-groomed makes you more resilient and productive.

Build your support network: Reach out to trusted friends, family, or a counselor when times get tough. Sharing my struggles with trusted individuals helped me cope better.

Celebrate every milestone, big or small: Appreciate each victory, no matter how tiny—passed a test? Treat yourself to a cup of your favourite tea! Completed a chunk of your essay? Pat yourself! Recognising your progress fuels your motivation toward academic success.

Academic burnout can feel overwhelming, but it is not an impossible obstacle to overcome.  Prioritise self-care and conquer each accomplishment to make progress. Rise from the ashes of burnout, reignite your academic spark, and emerge not just surviving but thriving. Remember, you’ve got this!

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