Are extracurricular activities the x-factor for business students?

While strong academics remain a prerequisite, employers today seek well-rounded individuals with diverse experiences that demonstrate valuable skills beyond textbook knowledge. Especially for business students, engaging in activities outside the class is a must.

Against this backdrop, our recent study titled ‘The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Personality Transformation for Undergraduate Business Students’ investigates the impact of extracurricular activities on personality transformation for undergraduate business students.

It is not that companies directly judge an employee by the hours of extracurricular activities they were involved in, but when students go through these off-class activities, they develop the skills that the employers seek in a fresh graduate. 

The prevailing academic climate recognises that a well-rounded education extends beyond textbooks, prompting students to actively seek opportunities that complement their formal learning. 

These activities help them develop leadership skills, sharpen communication abilities, enhance problem-solving capabilities and showcase their passion and commitment.

The study, featuring insights from 200+ participants, paints a vivid picture of the profound impact these activities have on shaping the personalities and future successes of business students. Among the participants, 44% were female, and 56% were male, representing a diverse range of perspectives. 

Currently, 53% of participants are involved in clubs or organisations, 19% in professional associations, 30% in internships or practical work experiences, and 30% in volunteering. The study also highlights participation in sports teams or athletic groups (18.5%), debate and case competitions (0.5%), and arts and crafts (0.5%).

A critical aspect of the study examines the time students allocate to these extracurricular activities. Results indicate a spectrum, with 14.5% dedicating less than one hour, 35.5% investing 1-3 hours, 29% committing 4-6 hours, and 21% allocating seven or more hours weekly to these activities.

The effectiveness of these extracurricular activities becomes evident when examining the participants’ responses to statements related to skill development.

Business students are actively participating in a variety of extracurricular activities. A significant 82.5% participants of the survey either agreed or strongly agreed that their engagement in these activities improved their leadership qualities, teamwork skills, and communication skills. Furthermore, the positive effects extended to decision-making confidence and adaptability to new challenges.

However, despite the overwhelmingly positive outcomes, the study acknowledged that 51.5% of participants sometimes faced challenges balancing extracurricular commitments with academic responsibilities. Nevertheless, their enthusiasm for recommending active participation in these activities remained the same.

An overwhelming 84% of participants advocated for their fellow business students to actively engage in extracurricular activities, recognizing the invaluable benefits they bring to personal growth and skill development.

However, “focusing solely on chosen activities can backfire. Finding a balance is crucial. Authentic passion and genuine engagement are key,” said Rahat Ara Kabir Kheya, a licensed recruiter at British American Tobacco, Bangladesh. “While joining the ‘right’ club might enhance a resume, employers can easily discern genuine interest from calculated participation.”

The mentioned study looks into the fact that engaging in clubs, sports, and other activities outside of regular classes help students grow on both personal and professional level. 

Ultimately, extracurricular activities are valuable tools for business students to differentiate themselves, but not a magic bullet. By strategically engaging in activities they are passionate about, students can develop valuable skills, showcase their well-rounded personality, and increase their chances of landing their dream job. 

Remember, a perfect GPA combined with the X-factor of relevant and engaging extracurricular activities creates an exceptional candidate profile for the competitive job market.

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